Terms of Use

1. Preamble

The use of the website including the web crawling, the caching services andany other services provided by the website, implies the full acceptance of theherein described terms of use and recommends their practical acceptance.

2. Definitions

Institution / organization is defined as Healthy Sailing.

Graphical user interface of the website (interfacehenceforth) is defined as the sum of visual elements (graphical elements,the layout of them, images etc.), of literary works (texts) and anyother elements, that are part of the user’s interface. Theinterface does not include the content and website software.

Software of the website is defined asthe set of software used for the website’s services.

Content of the website is defined as the digital courses andthe educational resources with any other works they include, the sum of them,as well as their associated metadata and sets of them.

Use is defined as any act that falls into the economic powerof the holder of copyright, of the holder of related rights or of the holder ofthe sui generis database right, especially in any way use of the services ofthe website, such as browsing, searching, viewing, downloading etc of thecontent.

Metadata is defined as the information that describes datasetsand data services and makes possible the discovery, the recording and the useof them.

As user is considered anyone who makes use of the website.

Service is defined as the functions, based ondigital technologies processing, which serve the user’s needs.

As registered are defined the users who subscribe themselvesto the services provided by the Institution / organization and give theirconsent for the processing of their data only for the provision of AdditionalServices.

Legal Use

The use of the website must be made only for legal purposes, in accordancewith the terms hereof and in a way that does not limit or impede their use bythird parties. The user of this website must not commit any acts or omissionsthat may cause malfunction of this website and adversely affect or endanger theprovision of services to users.

4. Copyright and licenses

4.1 Graphical User Interface

The interface, to the extent that the institution / organization has thecopyright or the necessary licenses, is available under the terms ofthe Creative CommonsAttribution-ShareAlike (CC BY SA v4.0) license.

4.2 Software

The software used for the development and operation of the website is Free /Open Software (FOSS) and it is available under the terms of the GNU General Public License(GPL) version 2.0.

4.3 Content

The content on the website is provided with the permit conditions indicatedby Digital Course (DC) or Educational Resources (ER) and is selected by thedistributor of the relevant DC or ER. The metadata are available only forpersonal, non-commercial use.

Any other work protected by copyright law and available under otherlicenses than those described above, is explicitly identified as such and isdetermined with specific authorization.

5. Personal Data Policy

The institution/ organization may collect and process personal data ofusers in order to be able to offer the services of its website to them.

In each case, any processing:

  • complies with the law
  • is for specified purposes and for time disclosed to the person before processing started
  • requires the consent of the person or happens for any other legitimate purposes specified by law.

In case the user wishes to access the services of the website andparticipate in the continuous improvement of them, may be asked to providepersonal data through the data collection form of the website. The Institution/organization may use personal data for informational purposes or send e-mailsor newsletters to the registered user/visitor.

The Institution / organization does not transfer or publish personal data ofusers/visitors of the website to third parties, unless otherwise is provided bylaw or if it is a contractual obligation or it is necessary for the properoperation of the website and the accomplishment of its functions.

The Institution / organization may process all or part of the informationsent by the users for statistical and improvement purposes of the givenservices-information. The user can contact with the site administrator in orderto check for the existence of a personal record, to correct, change, or deleteit.

During the use of the website, personal and non personal identification ofusers may be collected using technologies, such as cookies and/or monitoring ipaddresses and other similar technologies such as those resulting from thecontact of the browser with the server. The cookies are small text files on theuser’s hard disk that don’t take note of any document or file from his computernor led to the identification of the computer with any person. They are used tofacilitate user access in the use of specific services and/or pages of thewebsite and to determine the areas which are useful or popular.

Non personal information may also include the type of the browser used bythe user, the type of the computer, the operating system, the provider of webservices (ISP) and other such information. The user of the website can set hisbrowser in such a way as to warn him for the use of cookies on certain servicesor to refuse to accept the use of cookies in any case. If the visitor/user ofthe services and pages does not want to use “cookies” to identify himself mayhave limited access to some of the services, uses or functions provided by thiswebsite. The collection of all data, which fall into the category of personaldata received by the institution through this website, either being sent, whereappropriate, by users or being collected during navigation browsing and use ofthe website, is in accordance with the Law 2472/1997 (the amendments ofLaw.3625/2007) and Law 3471/2006 on the protection of personal data.

6. Disclosure and Removing Illegal Posted Content Policy

If a copyright holder locates, in the institution’s repository, illegallypublished material which a) is not covered by a limitation or another exceptionunder Greek copyright law and for the use of which b) is not been givenpermission, the above holder is requested to contact in writing with theinstitution through e-mail in the address info@digiready.eu, indicating thefollowing:

  1. His contact data
  2. Full biographic data or, if not available, the material reference data.
  3. The URL in which the material is located (for example the URL of the record)
  4. Data that confirm that he is the holder and/or statutory declaration which will state that with individual responsibility and knowing the penalties provided for by the provisions of par. 6 of the article 22 of Law 1599/1986 declares that he is the holder of the intellectual property or his legal representative

Upon receipt of the complaint, initiates the warning and withdrawalillegally published content process, as follows:

  1. The institution, via e-mail, confirms that received the complaint and makes an initial assessment of its validity and reliability
  2. Upon receipt of a valid complaint, the material temporarily withdrawn from institution’s repository until the consensus solution.
  3. The complainant and the institution/ organization or any other person/entity deposited the material, is required to solve in common consent and in a short period of time the issue of the complaint by adopting one of the following solutions:
    1. The material is re-published in the same form as before.
    2. The material is re-published having undergone changes.
    3. The material is permanently withdrawn from the list of websites
  4. As long as the institution and the complainant fail to achieve a mutually acceptable solution to the issue, the material remains non-available on the catalogue until reaching an agreement on the matter.

7. Disclaimer

The institution/ organization provides the content (e.g. information,names, photographs, depictions, data etc.) and the services available throughthe website «EXACTLY AS THEY ARE». Under no circumstances, the institution willnot be liable for any legal claims of civil or criminal nature, nor for anypossible damage (direct, special or consequential) of the user of this website.

The website may contain references (links) to websites of third partiesexclusively for the user’s information. The reference to links belonging tothird parties DOES not constitute adoption of their views and operations oracceptance of the content that they express, publish or post. Thirdparties-institutions/ organizations of the websites, responsible according tothe law, are responsible only for the content of their sites or for any damagethat may result from their use, when the user accesses them. The user acceptsthat visiting the sites of third parties means leaving the website andsubjecting to the conditions of their use.

The institution/ organization will make every possible effort to succeedthe good operation of the network, although it does not guarantee that thefunctions of the servers will be uninterrupted, error-free, and free ofviruses, malware or other similar items.

The institution/ organization will not be liable, under any circumstances,for the damage suffered a user of the web pages, services, options and contentof the website. It also does not guarantee that any associated with its ownwebsite, site or servers through which any service made available to theuser/visitor does not contain “viruses” or other malicious software, such as itdoes not guarantee the accuracy, completeness or availability of content,pages, services, options or the results of their use.

8. Jurisdiction, validity and modifications

The terms and conditions of use of this website and any amendment oralteration will be governed and supplemented by the Greek and European law andrelevant international treaties. The Greek Courts are defined as any litigationcourts arising from this. Any provision of the terms above found to be contraryto the aforementioned legal framework or becomes unenforceable, ceases to haveeffect and removed from the present, without, in any case, affect the validityof other conditions.

The terms and conditions of use of this website constitute the entireagreement between the institution/ organization and the user/visitor of thewebsites and their services and commit only those. No modifications of theseterms of use will be taken into account and it is not part of this agreementunless expressed in writing and incorporated into these terms of use. Unlessotherwise specified, with notice to the institutions website, the aboveconditions of use will be immediately valid in their entirety.

The institution reserves the right to unilaterally modify, add, alter thecontent or the services of the website and its terms of use, whenever it deemsnecessary.